A Brief Guide on How to Fix Your Bad Breath


Bad breath or halitosis can be an awkward problem to have when you’re talking or breathing close to someone else. While you might solve morning breath or pungent-foods breath with mouthwash or a quick brush, there are some instances where the problem remains. Fortunately, understanding the possible causes behind them can help you know how to fix bad breath.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Chronic bad breath is typically caused by bacteria in our mouths. Our mouths are home to many bacteria species, some of which aid in digestion and protect oral health. However, some types feed on bits of food stuck between the teeth and in other areas in the mouth.

If the bacteria feed on starchy or sugary foods like pasta, candy, or soda, it becomes a substance called “plaque”—the sticky film you often find on your teeth. Bacteria will keep growing on plaque and create strong-smelling acids that damage tooth enamel, causing tooth decay and cavities. These pockets in the teeth give food and bacteria more places to get in, making your bad breath even worse.

How to Fix Bad Breath

Dealing with bad breath is often as simple as practicing good dental hygiene. Here are a few things you can do to get rid of the problem.

1. Brush Your Teeth Regularly

Brushing and flossing your teeth every day helps kill off the harmful bacteria in your mouth. It will also reduce the food bits that get stuck on your teeth, giving any remaining bacteria fewer chances of thriving. For best results, brush at least twice a day to constantly keep the food and bacteria at a minimum.

While brushing your teeth, you might want to clean your tongue as well. Bacteria can also collect on the tiny rough bumps on your tongue, contributing to the bad smell.

2. Always Stay Hydrated

Saliva plays a vital role in our oral health. It washes the food off our teeth and dilutes the bacteria acids that harm them and cause bad breath. As much as possible, you’ll want to avoid having a dry mouth. This can happen when you don’t have enough water in the body to produce saliva.

Drinking water throughout the day will help keep your mouth moist and stimulate saliva production.

3. Have Regular Dental Check-Ups

Even if you’ve been brushing your teeth regularly, it might not completely get rid of the food and plaque in your mouth. A dentist has the tools and training to give your teeth and gums a thorough cleaning to prevent bad breath. They can also examine your mouth for other possible problems. For instance, you might have a gum infection that’s causing all the bacteria buildup in your mouth.

Get Help from a Professional

If your halitosis just won’t go away, don’t hesitate to get a professional who knows how to fix bad breath. Here at Showtime Smiles, you’ll be under the care of the top-rated dental team in the McKinney area. You can trust us to handle your bad breath treatment and other dental problems to bring your best smile back. Contact us today to book your dental appointment.

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